The South Carolina Brewers Guild is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization who works on behalf of South Carolina’s breweries and brewpubs. While our efforts work to promote and protect their interests, the Guild also works to grow a cohesive craft beer industry in South Carolina through relationships, education, and advocacy.
Steve Tolson President Amor Artis Brewing Fort Mill, SC
Matt bowes Vice President the Southern Growl Greer, SC
Gray Shuler Treasurer Sumter Original Brewery Sumter, SC
David Thornton, SecretaryCarolina Bauernhaus Brewery & Winery,Anderson and Greenville, SC
Josh Dodson, New Groove Artisan Brewery, Boiling Springs, SC
Michelle Lapp Two Blokes Brewing Mt Pleasant, SC
Shawn Waggoner, Plankowner Brewing Co., Boiling Springs, SC