Sled Dawg Brewery received the coveted “Best in Show” award for its Doppelbock beer at the 2023 SC Brewers Cup Awards Ceremony, hosted by the South Carolina Brewers Guild (SCBG) on March 1st.
“The evolution of the recipe for my Doppelbock began 15 years ago when I was sitting around my friend Jim’s firepit,” says Sidney Huskey, owner of Sled Dawg Brewery. “We were drinking Shiner Bock followed by New Belgium 1554. He suggested I develop a beer that combined the best parts of each. That first Doppelbock turned out to be not only my favorite beer to make, but also my favorite beer to drink. I have tweaked the recipe a little since, to get it closer to the style guidelines. I feel like it has gotten better over the years.”
This year, judges gathered at Steel Hands Brewing to assess 308 entries from current members of the SCBG in 18 medal groups. Jordan Skeen with Peak Drift and Brittany Kays, SCBG enthusiast member, organized the event as members of the SC Brewers Cup Committee.
“I was very pleased when it won a Gold medal in its category,” says Huskey. “I never expected to win best of show. I am thrilled to win the awards. I am honored that some of my brewing colleagues who judged the beers think it is tasty too. Thank you!”
The awards ceremony took place as a part of the 2023 SCBG Conference and Trade Show at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, where more than 200 representatives from breweries and affiliate industries were present. Guild members gathered to receive their awards and celebrate South Carolina’s brewing industry.
“Since we gathered at this event last April, our Guild has matured –we’ve grown,” says SCBG President Pearce Fleming. “Today, the guild is 145 members strong, of which 94 are brewery and brewery-in-planning members. This is the strongest our membership has been in the decade the Guild has been incorporated, and our growth is just beginning.”
“I’d like to thank each of you – brewery members, affiliate members, sponsors, and vendors – for taking time to be with us as we celebrate our successes. This annual event would not be possible without your support.”
Cheers to all the award winners, and to South Carolina beer.